澳大利亚风情 (Flirtatious Expressions of Australia)

                                                             That's where we are now!                                                            BLOG 博客 



This is Wollongong,the ninth largest city in Australia.
It is very near to Sydney,

                                   the largest and most important industrial city.                                                         

Wollongong Shopping Centre 

One of the key reasons why this city is famous because it owns the University of Wollongong,
Australia's University of the year,1999-2000-2001.
This university is proud of its academic environment and its scientific research
which has influenced the generations of young people.                                                               
Wollomgong University Campus Scenes (1) (2)

Australia is a young country which is energetic,pleasant and beautuful.

During these years, I have visited the Australian cities, such as
Brisbane (1)(2)(3)(4)(5),
Gold Coast (Dream World, Beach, Camping), Canberra
and Sydney. I shall keep on visiting the cities
in Australia,making friends and enjoying the Australian life.

I started to attend this university in the end of year 2001 and graduated
from the
university in July 2003. I have spent nearly two years student life there.
My university life is colourful, except for the heavy load of course work


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